2020 News Archive
December 2020
- U3A Newsletter - Bonus December 2020 issue available here - Read about the current issues under discussion within U3A and also catch up with the news of forthcoming U3A events. This bonus newsletter is available...
- U3A ACT Christmas/New Year Shutdown - As usual U3A ACT premises will close over the Christmas and New Year period to give our volunteer teams a well-earned rest. Cook and Hughes Offices: Closed...
October 2020
- ANBG Photographic Group Exhibition - Reflections - Exhibition by the Friends of the Australian National Botanical Gardens (ANBG) Photographic Group Date: 19 November – 6 December Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm...
- U3A Newsletter - November/December 2020 issue available here - CONTENTS: * From the President * From the Editor * Annual General Meeting * U3A ACT Appointments * International Item * U3A Course News * Reminiscing...
August 2020
- Council on the Ageing (COTA) ACT - Survey - COTA ACT is doing some research on feelings of isolation, and how easy it is for older Canberrans to find services and programs that support positive and...
- U3A Newsletter - September/October 2020 issue available here - CONTENTS: * From the President * From the Editor * International Items * U3A Course News * U3A Walks & Tours * Key Contacts in U3A * Keeping U3A Safe from...
- Lambing Flat Writing Competition 2020 - Closing Date 16th October - Lambing Flat Regional Fellowship of Australian Writers invites U3A members to enter their 38th Annual Writing competition. The 38th annual Lambing Flat...
- COVID-19 Safety Plan and U3A Activities - Update - A number of courses have already resumed in U3A's Cook, Flynn and Hughes premises as well as in some non-U3A venues. If you are already enrolled in a...
July 2020
- U3A Offices at Cook & Hughes reopening Monday 20 July 2020 - Members please click here to renew your membership. To update your contact details click here, then log in with your member number and password. Members...
June 2020
- U3A Newsletter - July-August issue available here - Back issues of the U3A Newsletter are available to Members Only after logging in and then going to the News tab.
- COVID Safety Plan now in place - U3A ACT on the path to reopening. - As required by the ACT government, U3A now has a formal COVID Safety Plan in place and we would like all our members to read it. The document can be downloaded...
- U3A eBULLETIN - MAILOUT PROBLEMS - Recently the despatch of U3A's eBulletin has been flagged as spam by some email service providers. Overall the incident has been resolved. However, we...
- COVID-19 and U3A Activities - Status as at 15 June 2020 - U3A ACT is putting plans in place to enable face-to-face teaching activities to resume in U3A venues later in the year. The resumption will be staggered...
- E.M. Fletcher Writing Competition - Closing Date 15 July 2020 - Have you been researching your family history? Do you know anecdotes about grandparents or family? Do you want to transform these into engaging stories...
- COVID-19 and U3A Activities - Status as at 1 June 2020 - The U3A Committee has sought specific advice from the ACT Government on the latest health advice for the over 70 years age cohort in the ACT. On Friday...
May 2020
- U3A/COTA Tuesday Lunchtime Forums on Zoom - U3A/COTA's Tuesday Lunchtime Forums will recommence on a fortnightly basis in a virtual format basis via Zoom from 16 June. As previously announced,...
- U3A/COTA Tuesday Lunchtime Forums - Update - As members will be well aware, the suspension of face-to-face meetings within U3A has included the popular Tuesday Lunchtime Forums held by U3A/COTA at...
April 2020
- U3A Newsletter May-June 2020 - A bumper issue! Read all about how U3A members are coping in the Coronavirus Age.
March 2020
- Video Conferencing in the Coronavirus Age: a real tool against social isolation. - There are numerous free internet video conferencing applications which enable people to "meet up" from their own home by using the cameras and microphones...
- SUSPENSION OF ALL U3A FACE-TO-FACE ACTIVITIES - I write to advise members that from Tuesday 17 March 2020, all U3A ACT face-to-face activities are suspended until further notice. This means that from...
- CORONAVIRUS - ADVICE TO U3A MEMBERS - U3A members may want to keep themselves informed about government health advice on the coronavirus. This advice is available here. Advice on what to...
- Has your 2020 U3A Membership lapsed? - If you have not renewed your membership for 2020 you are not eligible to enrol in or be wait-listed for Courses; nor will you able to access the online...
- U3A Newsletter - Read about the current issues under discussion within U3A and also catch up with the news of forthcoming U3A events. This newsletter is available by clicking...
January 2020
- Your 2020 U3A Membership. Don't let it lapse! Renew NOW! - Should your membership lapse you will not be eligible to enrol in or be wait-listed for Courses and you will not have access to the online Courses Listing....
- SMOKE HAZARDS & U3A ACTIVITIES - Act Health Advice 3 January 2020 The heavy smoke affecting the ACT is expected to continue while fires continue to burn across the border. During this...