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Tuesday Forums

Forums have a "current affairs" focus covering local events, politics, science, the environment and international events.

Sessions are held via Zoom commencing on Tuesdays at 12:30 pm and run from March to early June and from mid-July to November.

There are two registration options:

* Pre-register for all talks during the year and you will automatically be sent Zoom login details each week, i.e. there will not be any need to register on a weekly basis. (Note: Those who pre-registered in 2023 will automatically be transferred to the 2024 Forums.)
* Register on a weekly basis for the Forums which interest you. Registration will open in the week preceding the talk and the details are advertised with each Forum

Date Forum details

11 February

Microforests & improving the quality of Canberra' water ways

Edwina Robinson

In 2020, Edwina, with community support created the Downer Microforest of 1500 native plants – inspired by the Miyawaki method of dense forest making. Since 2020, the movement has snowballed to five public microforests in parks and church grounds. Edwina will discuss the concept behind the microforest and the opportunity for community participation.

Edwina is a landscape architect, microforest maker, gardener, change-maker and thought leader. Edwina believes in our collective power to transform our physical environment and wellbeing. She is founder of the social enterprise, The Climate Factory and co-founder of the not-for-profit, the Microforest Collective.

👉Registrations open 4 February 9AM and close 10 February 5PM.

To register email

Include your U3A membership number in the email.

18 February

The 2025 Federal election – major issues and possible outcomes

Simon Banks, Hawker Britton; Paul Chamberlin, TPG; David Quilty, National Advisory

Always a popular session, the speakers in this forum will discuss the forthcoming 2025 Federal election (which might have been called by 18 February).
Simon, Paul and David are the principals of several Canberra based advisory firms and have had extensive experience in politics including as Chief of Staff / Communications Manager across the three major parties. Simon, Paul and David will make some opening remarks and then look to more of a discussion format based in particular on issues and questions raised by participants.

👉Registrations open 11 February 9AM and close 17 February 5PM.

To register email

Include your U3A membership number in the email.

26 February

The 4 traditional migrant settler nations – USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – why do they appear to be at a crossroads on immigration policy?

Abul Rivzi

This Wednesday forum will focus on the role of immigration in promoting economic growth and how this traditional policy approach has been losing emphasis to a greater focus on border protection.

Abul Rivzi is Australia's leading independent commentator on immigration matters with multiple media appearances. He was previously a Deputy Secretary of the Department of Immigration and also the Department of Communications. He was awarded the Public Service Medal for services to the development and implementation of immigration policy.
(To accommodate Abul, this forum will be on a Wednesday.)

👉Registrations open 18 February 9AM and close 25 February 5PM.

To register email

Include your U3A membership number in the email.

4 March

An update on developments in the supply of nuclear energy and technology

Dr Robert Parker, Nuclear for Climate Australia

👉Registrations open 26 February 9AM and close 3 March 5PM.

To register email

Include your U3A membership number in the email.

11 March

US politics – 6 weeks post inauguration

Jared Monschein, Director of Research US Studies Policy Centre

👉Registrations open 4 March 9AM and close 10 March 5PM.

To register email

Include your U3A membership number in the email.

18 March

Developments in AI

Wayne Custodio

Wayne was a partner at Deloitte and has extensive background in IT policy and delivery.

👉Registrations open 11 March 9AM and close 17 March 5PM.

To register email

Include your U3A membership number in the email.

25 March

Australian migration, refugee and citizenship policies

Peter Hughes

Peter is a Fellow of the Centre For Policy Development; The Migration Hub, ANU.

👉Registrations open 18 March 9AM and close 24 March 5PM.

To register email

Include your U3A membership number in the email.

1 April

Is there a housing crisis? What are policy responses?

Professor Hal Pawson

Hal Pawson is Professor Housing Research and Policy and Associate Director at UNSW's City Futures Research Centre.

👉Registrations open 25 March 9AM and close 31 March 5PM.

To register email

Include your U3A membership number in the email.

We welcome your comments and feedback via the U3A ACT Facebook site.